Advancing Your Mediumship


Free for Summit Participants

US$30 General Public

Date: June 28th

Where: 90 min Interactive Masterclass // Zoom

Time: 11am PST | 1pm CT | 2pm EST | 7pm BST | 4am EAST (29th)

Tutors: Gordon Smith & Michael Mayo



90 min // Interactive Zoom Masterclass 

Advance your mediumship online with tutors Gordon Smith and Michael Mayo. Build confidence as you learn to push past your developmental blocks, step through your self-imposed limitations, and improve your connection with Spirit. Discussion and demonstration followed by an opportunity for practical application of teachings in breakout rooms. 


Live tutorial and demonstration.

Learn how to push past your developmental blocks and self-imposed limitation.

  Build confidence as you strengthen your connection with Spirit.

Develop self-trust as you build upon your mediumistic abilities.

Q&A session: opportunity to find greater understanding within your mediumship. 

▲ There will be an opportunity for practical application of teachings in breakout rooms. 


Purchased a ticket to successfully reserve your place. Event updates and webinar login details will be emailed closer to the event. If you can’t make the live event you will be able to watch the replay on demand.  There is no need to purchase a ticket if you are participating in the Online Mediumship Summit you will be sent further instructions. 


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Gordon Smith is a world-renowned medium from Glasgow, often referred to as ‘The Psychic Barber’. He is widely accepted as one of the most accurate mediums in the world because of his ability to bring through incredible evidence. Today Gordon travels the globe demonstrating, healing, and teaching development classes.

Gordon has authored numerous spiritual bestsellers: Through My Eyes, Mediumship Made Easy, The Unbelievable Truth, Animal Magic, Beyond Reasonable Doubt, One Hundred Answers from Spirit, Positive Vibes, and a variety of teaching and instructional CDs. There is also a documentary focused on Gordon called Psychic Barber, and the BBC’s Talking to the Dead.[/column][column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]


Michael Mayo is an internationally trained medium, having worked with the spirit for 15 years. He has been mentored by mediums Gordon Smith in Scotland and Eileen Davies at the internationally-acclaimed Arthur Findlay College in the UK. With a passion for teaching and helping others discover their own unique spiritual connection, he has taught, demonstrated, and studied in the US, Europe, and Australia.

Michael teaches a variety of workshops throughout the United States and abroad, helping others explore and develop their mediumistic abilities. Blending his many spiritual gifts and skills with a practical, grounded, results-oriented approach, Michael helps you to discover your strengths and what holds you back, empowering you to discover your own inner strength.[/column][/row]