
REPLAY : The Art of Communication


Free for Summit Participants

US$30 General Public

Date: June 26th

Where: 90 min Interactive Masterclass // Zoom

Time: 7am PST | 9am CT | 10am EST | 3pm BST | 12am EAST (27th)

Tutor: Andy Byng



90 min // Interactive Zoom Tutorial 

Join tutor Andy Byng and discover ‘The Art of Communication’The degree to which your mediumship will deepen is dependent on the degree to which you are able to surrender to the power of the spirit world and your spirit communicator. During this Live tutorial, you will learn what surrendering truly is, and the obstacles that medium’s face that stop them from entering into that state of surrender.


Live tutorial.

Learn what surrendering truly is, and the obstacles that stop you from surrendering.

Find out how to overcome those obstacles through different spiritual practices and personal development.

An exercise that will help you to surrender to the power of your communicator.

Build confidence as you learn to let yourself more freely experience your spirit communicator.

Q&A session: opportunity to find greater understanding within your mediumship.


Purchased a ticket to successfully reserve your place. Event updates and webinar login details will be emailed closer to the event. If you can’t make the live event you will be able to watch the replay on demand.  There is no need to purchase a ticket if you are participating in the Online Mediumship Summit you will be sent further instructions. 


Andy Byng is a well-respected and highly sought-after British medium. He trained at the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College in the UK, where he is now a tutor and course organizer. Andy provides one-day, weekend and week-long seminars, regular development classes, and demonstrations worldwide.


Andy has a strong academic background, having studied religion, ethics, and philosophy, with a Masters in 19th Century British History. He blends his philosophical and theological understanding to provide a well-rounded mediumistic education for his students. Andy encourages his students to spiritualize their mediumship through a personal journey of self-discovery.