90 min // Interactive Zoom Tutorial Replay
Transform your mediumship with tutors Eileen Davies and Christine Morgan. We now recognize that our reality is shaped by our beliefs, inadequacies, and perception of self. During this Live tutorial you will learn how to expand your mediumistic abilities as you discover how the power of belief influences your unfoldment. Learn how to let go of of expectations to cultivate a positive approach within your mediumship.
▲ Replay of live tutorial.
▲ Introduce a positive approach to your mediumship.
▲ Find out how the power of belief influences your unfoldment.
▲ Discover how to bring clarity and precision into your communication.
▲ Build confidence as you learn to let go of expectation to expand your mediumistic potential.
▲ Q&A session: opportunity to find greater understanding within your mediumship.
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Eileen Davies is one of England’s most acclaimed mediums. Having worked as an evidential and trance medium for over 30 years, Eileen is admired for her accuracy and diverse spiritual teachings. Eileen has a deep love for the altered states and regularly holds demonstrations and development circles.
Originally asked by Gordon Higginson to be a tutor at the Arthur Findlay College, she has been a course organizer for over 25 years and the Trustee and Principal of Kingswells House, Aberdeen. Eileen is devoted to teaching mediums in a supportive environment where they can receive the encouragement that she received in her early development.
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Christine Morgan is a well-respected medium based in Sydney, Australia. With over 23 years in the field of Spiritual Mediumship and the Intuitive Arts, she is one of Australia’s foremost spiritual mediums. Christine holds a Certificate of the Spiritualist National Union in the UK for Speaking and Demonstrating Evidential Mediumship (CSNU). She is also a tutor at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College.
Christine’s teaching and demonstrations extend from Australia to the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Europe, and England. Her natural mediumistic ability stems from a long family line of natural intuition and mediumship heritage, which has been honed through classical training. She is passionate about education and understanding the spirit world, as well as the unfoldment of the spiritual self and its effect on our lives today.
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